World of Warcraft


Halls of Control

Uldir, Halls of Control (pronounced "OOL-deer") is an upcoming raid in Battle for Azeroth, situated in Nazmir. It was a titan research and quarantine facility which houses something that could potentially wipe out all life on the planet. When the titans were conducting experiments on the Old Gods and dissecting them to try to understand them, they ended up creating the blood god G'huun. He was locked away within Uldir via three seals, but now only one seal remains.

What does the future hold?

Queen Azshara

Queen Azshara was the beloved ruler of the Kaldorei Empire ten thousand years ago, and is the current ruler of the monstrous naga. Entrancingly beautiful and beloved by her people, Azshara began a descent into madness when she was corrupted by the Dark Titan Sargeras, master of the Burning Legion. After her defeat at the hands of Malfurion Stormrage, and the Great Sundering that sent her and many of her Highborne into the depths of the sea, Azshara was transformed along with her fellow Highborne into the serpentine naga. Having become the Empress of Nazjatar, she serves a new master and plans to bring her wrath and revenge upon Azeroth. Queen Azshara was born with golden eyes, which were quite rare in night elves before the Great Sundering. Thus, golden eyes were commonly regarded as a sign of future greatness. Indeed, she was widely considered the most beautiful of night elves and swiftly became the most beloved monarch in night elf history. Strong-willed, manipulative, and incomparably beautiful, Azshara possessed far more magical talent than almost any other night elf. As one of the Highborne and sole heir to the throne, she had long been fascinated with the Well of Eternity.