World of Warcraft



Whether as a stalwart defender of the Alliance, or a fierce guardian of the Horde, deciding which race to play will define who you'll fight for in this neverending war. Where do your loyalties lie?


Though humans are among the younger races on Azeroth, they have faced many challenges with fortitude and resilience.


Unlike the other races of the Horde, orcs are not native to Azeroth. Initially, they lived as shamanic clans on the lush world of Draenor.


The bold and courageous dwarves are an ancient race descended from the earthen-beings of living stone created by the titans when the world was young.


When the Lich King’s grasp on his vast armies faltered after the Third War, a contingent of undead broke free of their master’s iron will..

Night Elf

The ancient and reclusive night elves have played a pivotal role in shapping Azeroth’s fate throughout its history.


The peaceful tauren-known in their own tongue as the shu’halo-have long dwelled in Kalimdor, striving to preserve the balance of nature at the behest of their goddess, the Earth Mother.


The clever, spunky, and oftentimes eccentric gnomes preesnt a unique paradox among the civilized races of Azeroth.


The savage trolls of Azeroth are infamous for their cruelty, dark mysticism, and seething hatred for all other races.


Armed with their unshakable faith in the Light, the draenei ventured to their embattled former home as steadfast members of the Alliance and defeated their ancient demonic rivals.

Blood Elf

During the Third War, the glorious high elves of Quel’Thalas were nearly scoured from Azeroth. Now, they struggle to rebuild their once-great society and overcome thier dependance on arcane magic.


Behind the formidable Greymane Wall, a terrible curse transformed some of the stalwart citizens of the isolated kingdom of Gilneas into nightmarish lupine beasts known as worgen.


Reforging old pacts with their collegues’ one-time allies, the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel have been welcomed into the Horde with open arms.


The wise pandaren embrace harmony, and lead full lives of food, family and fights on Pandaria. A few leave their home to join the Alliance, when they embody righteousness and honor.


The wise pandaren embrace harmony, and lead full lives of food, family and fights on Pandaria. A few leave their home to join the Alliance, when they embody righteousness and honor.