World of Warcraft Redesign

World of Warcraft redesign project

Introduction to Coding

This was my first coding project in school. I had never used HTML and CSS before. And this was my introduction to it all.

After learning the basics and building a mockup website we were instructed to build a 10-page website with what we learned in class.

I was an avid World of Warcraft player at that time and wanted to push myself in taking on a big project. It was a lot of long nights, coding and making mistakes, but I was pushing myself to learn.

I was ambitious to learn as much as I could about coding. And this project made me realize that. It also made me realize the amount of critical thinking you have to do when taking on such a project.

Overall I think I did very well for the time and size of the project. I learned a lot and was eager to learn more.

Languages and Skills

Website Design

At the time of this project the World of Warcraft website needed to be updated. Its was old and in need of some love. What I was soon going to find out was that it was a enormous task to take on.

I put my Graphic Design skills to use and made Photoshop comps of every page I was going to code. Which I came to find out was a massive project in itself.

After the comps it was time to code. Now the fun begins. The road I was on was filled with frustration, questions, unseen problems, and choices. But it made me learn. And I learned a lot about HTML and CSS.

Now after completing school I have a better appreciation of the time and amount of effort people put into these projects.

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